We invite Austin Trizinsky back to watch this Travolta/Slater action-piece as Brad picks our 25th film!
Guest: Austin Trizinsky
We invite Austin Trizinsky back to watch this Travolta/Slater action-piece as Brad picks our 25th film!
Guest: Austin Trizinsky
Guest: Matt Semler
t: @Globematt
Guest: Beth Murray
t: @BMurr30
J.J. Abrams' immaculate casting choices are back to twist and update the Star trek canon! Spoiler-free review into darkness!
Guest: Jana Bozeman, creator of Random Notes of Gratitude
t: @JanaBozeman
Guest: Brian Brown
Do you have to see all the Marvel movies to see the new ones? Try to keep up with our spoiler free review of 'Iron Man 3'.
Guest: JaSheika James, writer of ABC's 'Revenge'.
Guest: Clarke Kohler
When the biggest movie star makes a big budget action/sci-fi/thiller, you gotta go and see it, right? ...Right? Spoiler-free review of Tom Cruise's new joint.
Guest: Tiffany Berube
One of the greatest stories ever at the start of the baseball season. What better to review at the start of spring than the new Jackie Robinson movie: '42'?
Guest: Khalehla Rixon
i: @KhalehlaRix
Should you see it or take a chainsaw to the remake of a horror classic? Find out in our spoiler-free review!
Guest: Pablo Goujon
Guest: Mike Rubino of Arcade Comedy Theater in Pittsburgh, PA
t: @miketrubino @arcadecomedy @suddentweet
Oz has slowly built its franchise rights! From Judy Garland to Fairuza Balk to the HBO prison show! We watched Sam Raimi's new Oz incarnation in this spoiler-free review!
Guest: Bret Bozeman